TRIOMA API Documentation

In this section the documentation for all modules in TRIOMA:

Correlations, Pr)

Calculate the Nusselt number using the Dittus-Boelter correlation. Parameters: - Re (float): Reynolds number - Pr (float): Prandtl number Returns: - Nu (float): Nusselt number, Pr, f)

Calculate the Nusselt number using the Gnielinsky correlation. Parameters: - Re (float): Reynolds number - Pr (float): Prandtl number - f (float): friction factor Returns: - Nu (float): Nusselt number, Pr, mu_w, mu_c)

Calculate the Nusselt number using the Sieder-Tate correlation.

Parameters: - Re (float): Reynolds number - Pr (float): Prandtl number - mu_w (float): viscosity of the wall fluid - mu_c (float): viscosity of the core fluid

Returns: - Nu (float): Nusselt number, mu, k)

Calculate the Prandtl number. Parameters: - c_p (float): specific heat capacity - mu (float): viscosity - k (float): thermal conductivity Returns: - Pr (float): Prandtl number, u, L, mu)

Calculate the Reynolds number. Parameters: - rho (float): density - u (float): velocity - L (float): length - mu (float): viscosity Returns: - Re (float): Reynolds number, mu, rho)

Calculate the Schmidt number. Parameters: - D (float): diffusivity - mu (float): viscosity - rho (float): density Returns: - Sc (float): Schmidt number, Re)

Calculate the Sherwood number. Parameters: - Sc (float): Schmidt number - Re (float): Reynolds number Returns: - Sh (float): Sherwood number, Sc)

Calculate the Sherwood number using the heat transfer analogy. Parameters: - Re (float): Reynolds number - Sc (float): Schmidt number Returns: - Sh (float): Sherwood number, Re)

Calculate the Sherwood number for bubbles. Parameters: - Sc (float): Schmidt number - Re (float): Reynolds number Returns: - Sh (float): Sherwood number, e_D)

Calculate the friction factor using the Haaland correlation. Parameters: - Re (float): Reynolds number - e_D (float): relative roughness Returns: - f (float): friction factor, Pr)

Calculate the friction factor using the Pethukov correlation. Parameters: - Re (float): Reynolds number - Pr (float): Prandtl number Returns: - f (float): friction factor, T_out_hot, T_in_cold, T_out_cold)

Calculate the log mean temperature difference. Parameters: - T_in_hot (float): hot inlet temperature - T_out_hot (float): hot outlet temperature - T_in_cold (float): cold inlet temperature - T_out_cold (float): cold outlet temperature Returns: - deltaTML (float): log mean temperature difference, k, D)

Calculate the heat transfer coefficient from the Nusselt number. Parameters: - Nu (float): Nusselt number - k (float): thermal conductivity - D (float): diameter Returns: - h (float): heat transfer coefficient, L, D)

Calculate the mass transfer coefficient from the Sherwood number. Parameters: - Sh (float): Sherwood number - L (float): length - D (float): diameter Returns: - k (float): mass transfer coefficient, d_hyd, U, Q)

Calculate the length of the heat exchanger. Parameters: - deltaTML (float): log mean temperature difference - d_hyd (float): hydraulic diameter - U (float): overall heat transfer coefficient - Q (float): heat transfer rate Returns: - L (float): length of the heat exchanger

Component Class

class Geometry = None, c_in: float = None, eff: float = None, fluid: Fluid = None, membrane: Membrane = None, name: str = None, p_out: float = 1e-15, loss: bool = False, inv: float = None, delta_p: float = None, pumping_power: float = None, V: float = None)

Represents a component in a plant to make a high level T transport analysis.


Geometry (Geometry): The geometry of the component. c_in (float): The concentration of the component at the inlet. fluid (Fluid): The fluid associated with the component. Defaults to None. membrane (Membrane): The membrane associated with the component. Defaults to None.

T_leak() float

Calculates the leakage of the component.


float: The leakage of the component.


Calculate the analytical efficiency of a component.

Parameters: - p_out: Pressure of H isotope at the outlet of the component. Defaults to 1E-15.

Returns: - eff_an: Analytical efficiency of the component (from Humrickhouse papers)

This function calculates the analytical efficiency of a component based on the given length (L) of the component. It uses various properties of the component, such as membrane properties, fluid properties, and adimensionals.

If the fluid is a molten salt (MS=True), the analytical efficiency is calculated using the following formula: eff_an = 1 - xi * (lambertw(z=np.exp(beta - tau - 1), tol=1e-10) ** 2 + 2 * lambertw(z=np.exp(beta - tau - 1), tol=1e-10)).

If the fluid is a liquid metal (MS= False), the analytical efficiency is calculated using the following formula: eff_an = 1 - np.exp(-tau * zeta / (1 + zeta))* (1-p_in/p_out)^0.5.

The output of the function is the analytical efficiency of the component as Component.eff_an.

connect_to_component(component2: Component | BreedingBlanket = None)

sets the inlet conc of the object component equal to the outlet of self

converge_split_HX(tol: float = 0.001, T_in_hot: float = None, T_out_hot: float = None, T_in_cold: float = None, T_out_cold: float = None, R_sec: float = None, Q: float = None, plotvar: bool = False) Circuit

Splits the component into N components to better discretize Temperature effects Tries to find the optimal number of components to split the component into


Calculates the volumes of the component.

friction_factor(Re: float) float

Calculates the friction factor for the component.


Re (float): Reynolds number.


float: The friction factor.


Calculates the adimensional parameters H and W.

Updates the H and W attributes of the Component object.

get_efficiency(plotvar: bool = False, c_guess: float = None, p_out=1e-15)

Calculates the efficiency of the component.

get_flux(c: float = None, c_guess: float = 1e-09, p_out=1e-15)

Calculates the Tritium flux of the component. It can make some approximations based on W and H to make the solver faster


c (float): The concentration in the component fluid.


float: The permeation flux.

get_global_HX_coeff(R_conv_sec: float = 0)

Calculates the global heat exchange coefficient of the component. It can take the secondary resistance to convection as input. defaults to no resistance


float: The global heat exchange coefficient of the component.


Calculates the volumetric flow rate of the component [m^3/s].


float: The flow rate of the component.

get_pressure_drop() float

Calculates the pressure drop across the component.


float: The pressure drop across the component.

get_pumping_power() float

Calculates the pumping power required for the component.


float: The pumping power required for the component in W.

get_regime(print_var: bool = False)

Gets the regime of the component.


str: The regime of the component.


Calculates the total flow rate of the component.

outlet_c_comp() float

Calculates the concentration of the component at the outlet.


float: The concentration of the component at the outlet.

split_HX(N: int = 25, T_in_hot: int = None, T_out_hot: int = None, T_in_cold: int = None, T_out_cold: int = None, R_sec: int = None, Q: int = None, plotvar: bool = False) Circuit

Splits the component into N components to better discretize Temperature effects


Evaluates the analytical efficiency and substitutes it in the efficiency attribute of the component.


L (float): the length of the pipe component



Circuit Class

class list = None, closed: bool = False)

Represent a circuit of components connected in series

This class represents a circuit consisting of multiple components connected in series. It provides methods to update attributes, add components, calculate circuit efficiency, and plot the circuit.


components (list): A list of components in the circuit. closed (bool): A boolean indicating whether the circuit is a closed loop or not.

update_attribute(attr_name, new_value):

Updates the value of the specified attribute.


Adds a component to the circuit.


Calculates the efficiency of the circuit.


Calculates the gains and losses of the circuit.


Plots the circuit using matplotlib.

Example usage:

circuit = Circuit() circuit.add_component(component1) circuit.add_component(component2) circuit.get_eff_circuit() circuit.plot_circuit()

add_component(component: Component | BreedingBlanket | Circuit | GLC)

Adds a component to the circuit.


component (Component): The component to add.


Calculates the pumping power required for the circuit.


float: The pumping power required for the circuit in W.


Calculates the efficiency of the circuit based on the components present.


circtuit.eff (float): The efficiency of the circuit.



Example Usage:



Calculates the gains and losses of the components in the circuit.


circuit.extraction_perc (float): The extraction percentage of the circuit. circuit.loss_perc (float): The loss percentage of the circuit.


Calculates the inventory (in mol) of the circuit based on the components present.


circuit.inv (float): The inventory of the circuit.



Example Usage:



Inspects the circuit components.


name (str, optional): The name of the component to inspect. If not provided, all components will be inspected.




Plot the circuit diagram for the components in the circuit.

This function uses matplotlib to create a circuit diagram for the components in the circuit. Each component is represented by a rectangle with arrows indicating the flow direction. The color of the rectangle represents the position of the component in the circuit.




Solve the circuit by calculating the concentration of the components at the outlet. If the circuit is a closed loop, the concentration of the first component is set to the concentration of the last component until the stationary regime is reached.

Fluid Class

class float = None, D: float = None, D_0: float = None, E_d: float = None, Solubility: float = None, Solubility_0: float = None, E_s: float = None, MS: bool = True, d_Hyd: float = None, k_t: float = None, mu: float = None, rho: float = None, U0: float = None, k: float = None, cp: float = None, inv: float = None, recirculation: float = 0, V: float = None)

Represents a fluid in a component for Tritium transport analysis


T (float): Temperature of the fluid. D (float): Tritium Diffusivity of the fluid. D_0 (float): Preexponential Diffusivity of the fluid. E_d (float): Activation energy of the fluid diffusivity. Solubility (float): Solubility of the fluid. Solubility_0 (float): Preexponential solubility of the fluid. E_s (float): Activation energy of the fluid solubility. MS (bool): Indicates whether the fluid is a molten salt or a liquid metal. d_Hyd (float, optional): Hydraulic diameter of the fluid. Defaults to None. k_t (float, optional): Mass transport coefficient of the fluid. Defaults to None. mu (float, optional): Viscosity of the fluid. Defaults to None. rho (float, optional): Density of the fluid. Defaults to None. U0 (float, optional): Velocity of the fluid. Defaults to None. inv (float, optional): Inventory of the fluid. Defaults to None. recirculation(float,optional): fraction of recirculated flowrate. Defaults to 0. 1 = 100%, 0.5=50%.


Calculates the mass transport coefficient (k_t) for the fluid.

If the hydraulic diameter (d_Hyd) is defined, the mass transport coefficient is calculated using correlations. Otherwise, an error message is printed.



set_properties_from_fluid_material(fluid_material: FluidMaterial = None)

Sets the properties of the fluid from a FluidMaterial object.


fluid_material (FluidMaterial): The FluidMaterial object to set the properties from.

Membrane Class

class float = None, D: float = None, thick: float = None, K_S: float = None, k_d: float = None, k_r: float = None, k: float = None, D_0: float = None, E_d: float = None, K_S_0: float = None, E_S: float = None, inv: float = None, V: float = None)

Represents a metallic membrane of a component for H transport.


T (float): Temperature of the membrane. D (float): Diffusion coefficient of the membrane. thick (float): Thickness of the membrane. K_S (float): Solubility coefficient of the membrane. k_d (float, optional): Dissociation rate constant of the membrane. Defaults to None. k_r (float, optional): Recombination rate constant of the membrane. Defaults to None. k (float, optional): Thermal conductivity of the membrane. Defaults to None. D_0 (float, optional): Pre-exponential factor of the membrane. Defaults to None.Overwrites D if defined E_d (float, optional): Activation energy of the diffusivity in the membrane in eV. Defaults to None. Overwrites D if defined K_S_0 (float, optional): Pre-exponential factor of the solubility in the membrane. Defaults to None.Overwrites K_S if defined E_S (float, optional): Activation energy of the solubility in the membrane in eV. Defaults to None. Overwrites K_S if defined inv (float, optional): Inventory of the membrane in mol. Defaults to None.

set_properties_from_solid_material(solid_material: SolidMaterial = None)

Sets the properties of the membrane from a SolidMaterial object.


solid_material (SolidMaterial): The SolidMaterial object to set the properties from.

Solid Material Class

class float = None, D: float = None, K_S: float = None, k: float = None)

Represents a solid material used in a component.


D (float): The Diffusivity of the solid material. K_S (float): The Sievert constant of the solid material.

Fluid Material Class

class float = None, D: float = None, Solubility: float = None, MS: bool = None, mu: float = None, rho: float = None, k: float = None, cp: float = None)

Represents a fluid material with various properties.


T (float): Temperature of the fluid material. D (float): Density of the fluid material. Solubility (float): Solubility of the fluid material. MS (float): Molecular weight of the fluid material. mu (float): Viscosity of the fluid material. rho (float): Density of the fluid material. k (float): Thermal conductivity of the fluid material. cp (float): Specific heat capacity of the fluid material.

Breeding Blanket Class

class float = None, Q: float = None, TBR: float = None, T_out: float = None, T_in: float = None, fluid: Fluid = None, name: str = None)

Represents a breeding blanket component in a fuel cycle system.


c_in(float): Inlet concentration of tritium in the breeding blanket component. Q (float): Heat generated by the breeding blanket component. TBR (float): Tritium breeding ratio of the breeding blanket component. T_out (float): Outlet temperature of the breeding blanket component. T_in (float): Inlet temperature of the breeding blanket component. fluid (Fluid): Fluid used in the breeding blanket component.

get_cout(print_var: bool = False)

Calculates the outlet concentration of tritium in the breeding blanket component.


print_var (bool): If True, prints the intermediate variables.




Calculates the flow rate of the coolant in the breeding blanket component.